Meyraki is a skincare brand that promotes skin care through self-care. Meyraki emphasizes nourishing the soul by indulging in activities that not only heal the body but also restore the health of the skin. The brand looks forward to changing the perspective of skincare from outer glow to inner healing and nourishment. 

Bringer Media partnered with them to assist in conveying this beautiful message by identifying their visual identity to establish a powerful digital presence for the brand. For this purpose, compelling visuals were crafted by the efforts of our experts thereby enhancing the overall image of the brand online.

Our Approach

Compelling visuals are the backbone of overall brand identity therefore our experts got on board to strategize and execute the branding for Meyraki.

Our team delved into every aspect of the brand, analyzing its essence and values to design appealing brand visuals. The primary objective behind this collaboration was to craft visuals that would foster a deeper connection with the audience.

Branding Success

Through our tailored strategies and practices, we crafted appealing graphics, color palettes, and logos that matched the brand’s core values and vision. From the flower-shaped logo that symbolizes beauty and elegance to the brand’s visual color palette, each branding element carries a deeper meaning and symbolic meaning behind it. 

Today, Meyraki can establish its unique brand identity across all social platforms effectively and consistently.